Venerunt, lita, reliquerunt
A little less ‘veni, vidi, vici’, more ‘they came, they plastered, they left’ – just the lounge, leaving another four rooms to do (apologies on all fronts for the rough, very rough, translation).

But a top job

Once dry, throw on 5 litres or so of white emulsion.

While we wait, a slightly bigger bore for the plumbing upstairs is needed, plus, test fit the bath, swanky tap and toilet. The tap and bath fittings drop into the ceiling void below, isolator valves added and a Profab access panel (eventually). Note the blue marks on the drain pipework – loose fit, mark, re-fit, with solvent, aligning the marks (quickly, depending on the age of your solvent!).

Tom’s welcome return is heralded by the arrival of the replacement, previously smashed into a million pieces, stair glass. Fitting is a breeze with the addition of glass lifters and less ‘helpers on deck’, coining the phrase ‘no Phil, no spill!’!
The underside of the landing is also boarded, finally.

The upstairs bedroom and bathroom are prepared for plastering i.e. as close as you can get them without a plasterer.

A couple of jobs completed outside, with “plastering, round 2” pending – will keep you posted.