Get Plastered

Get Plastered

Fairly apt phrase with the festive season fast approaching but in this instance the marvellous team Murphy are on site throwing plaster at the two upstairs rooms (no sign of the stairs yet, perhaps good old Saint Nick has them strapped to the back of his sleigh).

Day 1 , room 1, boarding complete, stop beads on and joints filled.

Could do to finish insulating the link between the buildings

Day 2, room 1 sees some plaster, room 2 sees plaster board (and moisture board)

Still need to finish the insulation in the link between the buildings

Day 3, more plaster (room 1) and more board (room 2)

Insulating the link, just in time! Baton the insulation and nail – it’s impossible (?) to screw though. The board is then screwed to the baton.

Day 4, (just in the nick of time!), the link ceiling is boarded and there’s more plaster going on upstairs.

Day 5, link ceiling gets a bit of shape

Plastering pretty much done by the end of the day

Day 6, tidy up (may need another skip looking at the amount of material that didn’t go on the wall!)

Prepare the floor for grouting – nifty tool to clean out the gap.

Day 6, grout!

Drying out by the end of the day

News just in – our electrician is broken!

Andy’s had 5 days in hospital, following a bilateral pulmonary embolism, serious stuff. He’s now home and on the mend, slowly.

Our thoughts are with him and hope that his recovery speeds up!