Someone needs to invent block with holes included. A few hours and a couple of SDS drills later, we’ve reverted to the little DeWalt – slow and steady is the way, the large holes are for the boiler vent. TC’s due to start fitting today, tomorrow, possibly Sunday.
Fail (the other SDS is back in the box of shame).
All very “Hatton Garden” :-
Next job is to first fix the kitchen, Solar panels need connecting and MCS certification. Looks like we may have an issue there, the company we purchased the panels from, with the understanding they’d provide an ‘approved’ engineer once we’d put them on the roof, aren’t being very forthcoming. The story we’re getting (Mick’s got the same problem) is that they’re between ‘suppliers’ – but they have been for months. One to be aware of when dealing with the renewable energy store .
Head for heights needed.