It’s been a while since we’ve posted an entry as we try to come to terms with the death of Patrick Michael, a loving husband, father and all-round good man. Our thoughts and prayers are with Marie, their new life in the emerald isle cruelly shattered. The love and support of her family will help manage such a loss, something that doesn’t ‘heal with time’, but you find a way to continue with that gaping hole in your life.
It would be wrong to claim I knew Mike, having met on just a few occasions, but you ‘inherit’ an understanding of who he was through those who did know him, and loved him. Their views, thoughts, anecdotes, paint a more detailed picture, giving a true sense of the gentle, caring, passionate, and ‘cool’ (oh yes, back in the day), even handed and calm man he was.
If we’re lucky enough we’ll recall happier times, shared memories that will make us smile, from the inside out.
We’ll publish an update on the build over the next few days.