Pipes and more Moore (s), including mini Moore

Pipes and more Moore (s), including mini Moore

With the roof on and partitions in places it’s time to install the floor insulation and underfloor heating pipe work. After 6 quotes, we went with The Floor Heating Warehouse. The loops for the old building will be partially installed, which involves breaking through into the old house (boxed and re-secured from the inside).

The pile of insulation finally gets installed

Extra drainage (why? more of that later)

12 port manifold and meters of 5 Layer 16mm PEX-AL-PEX pipe. The pipe decoiler worked like a charm.

Wet-room drain going in before the final screed

Fully loaded and pressurised manifold

Homemade shute – handy for reaching the parts other shutes can’t

Need to get those levels right and make sure the power float has plenty of fuel

Where going to need a touch more water in that.

Just to show there’s only one ‘Uman doing all the work (wearing that C & W Berry Trade Show 1974 T-shirt with pride):

Hang on – Jake! – where’s your rake? (and your trousers?)

Some time later (other ‘Umans were involved in the making of this floor – honestly)