Tools away
.. for at least a day!
Before taking big steps (you’ll see what that means in a minute), the dishwasher needs to be moved from the old to new kitchen. The plumbing looked right in theory, in practise the machine doesn’t fit. Hasty re-plumb and a spare radiator valve later, in goes the machine.
Back to the ‘big steps’, in fact they’re regulation size, Andy (not the ‘broken’ one) left instructions and sent a picture of them in the workshop. Time to reconstruct and fit.

Longest post first, a touch of glue (a touch, a touch! Remember to wipe away the excess!),
Now for the turn, glue and screw through on the hidden edge.
Bit of a squeeze but in go the steps.
Top post in and ready to put in place.
Something we should have done during the main construction but hind sight (or good design) is a wonderful thing.
We’ll need to cantilever a couple of 8 x 4 ‘s through the spine wall and main joists to support the stairs and landing. Unsurprisingly there’s a bunch of cables to avoid, we’ll notch out the beam to fly over them.
Should now be able to support the main beam (twist nails for the brackets, a lot of them!)
Day 2, bolt a beam to the wall and start to form the landing.

And with day 2, comes hole 2.
Can you see what it is yet?

Floor boards, oak face, half newel and hand rail (need to stop that flexing!)
And Christmas Eve? Tools away and tidy up. There’s many trials and tribulations to challenge us, but it truly is a wonderful life.
Happy Christmas to all our friends and family, and to everyone who has helped and contributed to the build. You’re remarkable and generous people.